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Refer & Win

Refer & Win is a program that rewards Chamber Investor for their referrals that convert to Investor Level Members.

Being a Chamber with a staff of four, it is often challenging for us to focus on Chamber work and grow membership.  So we are using this program to convert our entire membership into our salesforce.

Refer & Win logo

Here’s how it works:

Individuals that recruit new members will be rewarded.  They can choose between:

  • a gift card / gift certificate to a member business
  • a ShopSt.C Digital Gift Card
  • a donation to a member charity, or
  • a credit toward their membership dues

Rewards begin at $50 for an Access Level Investor and can be as high as $1500 for an Elite Level Investor.  There are some guidelines and restrictions, so be sure to click on the link below for more information.

Everyone wins – the new Investor wins by receiving all the benefits of their Investor Level Membership, the referring member wins by being rewarded, other members win through business gained from the purchase of gift cards and donations, and the Chamber wins with more members and a stronger voice.

You will receive your reward once the new Investor level member has paid one full year of membership. If they pay the full amount upon joining, you will receive your reward immediately. If they pay monthly, you will receive your reward at the end of the twelfth month.

Be sure to tell your referral to enter your name into the "Referred By" entry blank on the application.